Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yes its Morning.. where is my coffee

Morning everyone.. so last night didnt go well. Dad was very confused and mom well she was just as mean as ever. she got her nightgown on and left him wandering around the house in his brief. So I guided him to the room and said it was time for bed. he asked if I was going to make him breakfast in the morning.. First audable question from him I have understood in a while. wasnt jumbled like they normally are. I said yes why are you hungry? he said kinda. So I made him a sandwich. And found out mom had eaten earlier and didnt give him anything. I have mentioned to her numerous time that if she is hungry chances are Dad is. So he ate his sandwich and i put him in bed and left. I hear yelling and I go in there and she is yelling at him to get in bed and called him stupid and numerous other bad names I probably shouldnt post. I dont know how to handle this. Its getting hard and hurts so much. She is so mean. Not just to Dad but everyone here. Now let me explain that her alzhiemers is at the beginning stage. She is not wandering around aimlessly like dad. She knows what she is doing. Is she afraid of when she will be like that? I have read a book.. Im gonna plug it .. its a good book. Its called The 36 Hour Day.. here is a link to where you can get it.


I have read this book and it gave me a lot of insite on how they are feeling and how to care for them as well as yourself. What do you suppose God is teaching me? Compassion.. I have that or I couldnt do this. Tollerence? Understanding? Time to get Dad up.. Thanks for listening. =)


  1. God has a plan and a goal for you, that He'll be by your side to see you get there. It's just a bit hard for us to see that far :)

    Since you're plugging a book (one I've wanted to check for a long time, BTW, thanks!), here's a couple of links that helped me through a much lighter caregiving experience. I hope they help you along the journey.



    http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/caring-for-the-caregiver (this one, while cancer-focused, has nice links and made me aware of communication issues we were having with the doctors)

  2. Thank you Daniel, I appreciate the links and look forward to reading them.. You think he has a plan for me or was it just to care for my parents? there are 6 of us.. why me? that is where the forgiveness comes in I suppose. It is a really good book.. Mom started to read I talked to her yesterday and she wants to finish it.. that is her thing.. reading.. =)
